MCARA Units > VMJ-2 (1952-1955)
Also See:
Marine Photographic Squadron Two (VMJ-2)
VMJ-2 was established on 15 September 1952 at MCAS Cherry Point, NC. The mainstay of the squadron during the Korean War years was the McDonnell F2H-2P photo-Banshee. The F9F-6P photo Cougar started joining the squadron in late 1953 and all but replaced the Banshee by the end of 1955. The F9F-8P also arrived in late 1955.
Marine Photographic Squadron Two (VMJ-2) was redesignated Marine Composite Reconnaissance Squadron Two (VMCJ-2) on 1 Dec 1955 when its assets were merged with VMC-2.
(Write-up by: Steve Ginter from "NAVAL FIGHTERS NUMBER SIXTY-SEVEN")